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About Reviving Wellness Counseling

Reviving Wellness Counseling was officially opened in June 2016. 

Since then, it has been our mission to provide customized counseling services to individuals by compassionate and highly skilled counseling staff through in-person and telehealth formats.

By eliminating the need to communicate through an administrative staff member, you will have direct access to your counselor to discuss scheduling or other needs as they arise. This allows for more timely and personal responses and reinforces our pledge of confidentiality related to your care.

The goal of our office design was to provide a comfortable and casual environment starting with easy parking and a calming lobby with it's homey atmosphere, pleasant scent and soothing music. We believe in the importance of creating an experience where people can feel welcome and have a moment to relax in preparation for their session. Staff schedules are staggered in such a manner that you will rarely share the lobby with others which further reinforces our confidentiality pledge.

What is Individual Counseling?

If you’ve been feeling hopeless or lost lately, or struggling with a problem in your life that feels unsurmountable, individual counseling could help you improve your everyday life. Individual counseling helps you win against whatever you’re battling by putting a real expert in your corner by means of a professional counselor.

So if any of these sound like you…

  • You keep worrying about the same problem over and over
  • You don’t know who you could ever trust with knowing about your secret struggle
  • You wish there was somebody who could tell you why you feel this way
  • You’re interested in counseling, but you don’t want to give up total control
  • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
  • You need somebody to listen to you and your feelings for once
  • You’re interested in counseling, but not sure how it could fit into your life
  • You are looking for help improving your everyday life.

Then individual counseling could be right for you...

Individual counseling is so helpful for so many people because it’s the best way to get truly customized care for your social, emotional and psychological growth. 

Consider reaching out to us today for more information and to schedule your first appointment.

Meet Our Staff

Janet "Jan" Weintraub, M.S. Ed Resident In Counseling

Janet "Jan" Weintraub, M.S. Ed Resident In Counseling

I recognize that it takes courage to seek counseling and to trust in the process so I adapt my approach to meet you where you are while honoring the similarities and differences between us. By combining a culturally sensitive approach with a person-centered and strength based approach, I collaborate with you to identify and achieve the goals you created.
 Ashley Thomas, M.A. Resident In Counseling

Ashley Thomas, M.A. Resident In Counseling

I am a burgeoning clinician with a focus and passion for supporting your ability to work through traumatic experiences. I facilitate this by bringing you back to safety through supporting your connection to your body sensations and your surroundings using body based approaches and mindfulness.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.